For almost a decade, this pooch named Bianca lived on the busy streets of Athens, Greens. Despite being a stray dog, Bianca receives enough help and assistance from people who passed by her shelter.
But while many people feed her every day, no one took the chance to offer her a home. Bianca’s favorite place was outside the public swimming pool. From a distance, she would watch people come and go all day long. She also loves looking at children swimming during the day.
Due to old age, though, Bianca encounters several health-related issues. The most recent one was when her hind legs could no longer move. It all started as a simple struggle for the pooch. But as days went by, the problem became a paralysis. This forced the pooch to drag herself using her front legs.
When volunteers from the Society for the Protection of Stray Animals heard about Bianca’s dilemma, they offered help immediately. They went to pick the pooch on her favorite spot. Fortunately, the pooch did not become hostile to the rescuers. Instead, Bianca let the rescuers do their job.
At the animal shelter, the in-house veterinarian checked on the pooch. But before that, the rescuers gave Bianca a nice bath because she was dirty at that time. When the in-house vet checked the pooch, she found out what the dog’s disease was. It is called Degenerative Myelopathy, an incurable condition that needs special treatment.
The vet suggested that the pooch should be brought to a foster home. Fortunately, the rescuers knew where to bring the dog. With the dog’s condition, Bianca needs all the attention she could get from the volunteers. Good thing, her foster home is very generous when it comes to her needs. For one, the dog receives special treatment for her condition.
Credits to The Orphan Pet.