In New Jersey, an animal shelter called the Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge is a special shelter for dogs. Its purpose is to take in dogs that nobody wants and give them a last chance to get adopted. Here, you will typically find rescue dogs with physical and emotional issues, which is why most people often ignore them.
A dog named Sadie was one of the residents at this animal shelter. She’s a great dog and has the potential to be an amazing family pet. However, she wasn’t great with men. Because of this fear, people kept rejecting her adoption.
However, a man named Brian Myers decided to give Sadie a chance and adopted her. Brian thinks that Sadie is a beautiful dog, and he believes that he can help Sadie with her issues. However, Brian didn’t expect that the dog he was rescuing and giving a home to was actually going to save his life.
One night, while Brian was getting out of bed, he suddenly felt ill and fell on the floor as soon as he stood up. He didn’t have anyone living with him, and his cellphone was just out of his reach. Thankfully, Sadie was there to help.
Brian grabbed onto Sadie’s leash, and Sadie pulled Brian towards his cellphone. Despite not being trained as a service dog, Sadie knew that Brian was in trouble and needed his phone. Thanks to her actions, Brian was able to reach his phone in time and call emergency services.
Brian was rushed to the hospital, where lifesaving treatment was given to him. After a couple of weeks of treatment and rehabilitation, Brian was finally ready to go home. Just before he was discharged from the hospital, Sadie came to visit.
As soon as she saw Brian, she immediately jumped on his bed and started licking his face. We don’t have to know what Sadie thinks of her new dad. Brian is thankful every day that he ended up adopting Sadie. Thanks to her, Brian also got his second chance in life. Here’s a video featuring Sadie’s amazing story of how he saved the life of his new owner.
Video Source CBS Evening News via YouTube